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Portfolios and using LinkedIn as an ePortfolio

Portfolios provide you the opportunity to showcase your skills and abilities through a collection of your work. Instead of just creating a list of what you can do, provide actual examples of materials or projects created for your job or your courses, or through volunteer work that demonstrates your skills.

Portfolios can be paper-based or electronic. Your LinkedIn profile can serve as your ePortfolio and is connected to a vast professional network of employers who may be looking for the skills you have to offer.

Review the infographic below for more information about how to leverage your LinkedIn profile as an ePortfolio. Keep in mind that you want to be selective about what you include so your profile isn't too lengthy.

Leveraging LinkedIn as an ePortfolio

Download the Infographic Leveraging LinkedIn as an ePortfolio.

Watch for the ePortfolio icon. eportfolio icon These completed assignments may be good additions to your ePortfolio.