Welcome to Sentinel City! You will work within an immersive educational environment that simulates a real city you can use to gain hands-on experience within your degree. You will be access Sentinel City to complete assignments within your course. Before you get started, here are a few things you need to know to be ready to launch the simulation.

  1. Google Chrome is the recommended browser. Click here to download the latest version.
  2. Turn off your pop-up blocker.
  3. Work through the Getting Started Guide to make sure your computer is ready to go.
  4. Review the Orientation to using Sentinel City.
  5. The simulation takes a few minutes to load. You will see the progress bar and some trivia.
  6. Once the simulation is fully loaded, you can select either a male or female avatar to enter Sentinel City. It does not matter which one you select as both go into the same simulation.

Introduction to Sentinel City

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